
ART Available on The Unreal Engine Marketplace

Animation and rigging toolkit arrives on the Unreal Engine Marketplace. More flexibility and faster updates. At no charge.

The Animation and Rigging Toolkit (ART) is finally available on the Unreal Engine Marketplace. This step means more flexibility and faster updates. For those of you unfamiliar with the name, ART is a suite of animation and rigging tools created for Autodesk Maya. These are the exact same tricks Epic used for projects like Fortnite, Paragon, Unreal Tournament, and Robo Recall. First and foremost, ART is a comprehensive suite of tools that takes a character through skeleton creation, skeleton placement, rig creation, and final animation. And yes, the tool is completely free. 

First of all, make sure check out the Youtube playlist to learn this set of tools. 

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As you may know, this is the first product on the Marketplace that isn’t actually directly tied to the engine in any way. As such, it is a bit of an experiment, and is currently listed as a code plugin. That comes with some quirks, like it requiring an engine version and having a button called “Install to Engine.”

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To be clear, ARTv1 does not actually require a specific engine version, so as long as you have one of the versions installed that it “supports”, you can download the tools and use them with any engine version you wish. Regarding installing to engine, the tools will download into your engine/plugins/marketplace folder, but you can move them anywhere you like after they have been downloaded.

One of the awesome things the Marketplace gives us, especially in regards to code plugins, is the ability to easily update. Once a new build of the tools is published, you will be able to update from within the launcher.

Epic Games’ Lead Technical Animator Jeremy Ernst

You can also check out the documentation here. ART requires Windows OS and Autodesk Maya (2014 – 2017 supported).

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Author: Artyom Sergeev

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Comments 1

  • ariel

    Blender suport please.



    ·8 years ago·

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