
Creating Marble in Substance Designer

3D Environment and Texture Artist Enrico Tammekänd from Enthelity Studios talked about the way he created a neat marble floor texture. Hope you’ll find this useful.

3D Environment and Texture Artist Enrico Tammekänd from Enthelity Studios talked about the way he created a neat marble floor texture. Hope you’ll find this useful.

Hope everyone finds it useful and lets dive right into that!

Now to the Base Color. Drag two of our Marble Patterns in, changing ones Random Seed and inverting the other one. Also, do the same with a Tile Generator, having the Shape as Square, tiles 5×5 and increase Luminance Variation (leave the Size on 1). Do a Directional Warp to break up the pattern so the same lines won’t run all the same. For mask – that’s what is going to make our different shapes – again, create the same style Tile Generator, but Luminance Variation at 0 and use Checker Mask. To get some awesome shapes out of the pattern, expose Offset on the mask Tile Generator and set the „Step“ to 1. I also added a Symmetry node there and going to include that with the project file but for the sake of this tutorial being too long (as it is already), I’ll just do a explanation for that some other day.

For the final render, I made changed the Random Color on the Marble Pattern to 0.98, Edge Detect to 0.01 and the main veins Levels a bit more to the black and here is the final look:

You can always add all kinds of microdetails to push it even further to realism. Small details are what actually make The difference. Always do your research and try to stick to that. Substance Designer is so wide and you can do unlimited stuff in there, so always keep experimenting and see what awesome stuff you can make.

I really enjoyed creating this tutorial and hope everyone find it somehow useful. If anyone wants to see some of my other creations and learn from them, visit our Gumroad. Also the project files are included here.

Enrico Tammekänd, CEO & Founder at Enthelity Studios

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Comments 1

  • Blade

    This is a really nice tutorial for starters in the Substance Designer.
    At first I always had problems to understand what this software is all about.
    Such tutorials bring ideas and show what is actually possible.



    ·8 years ago·

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