
UE4 Environment Prop Master Material Version 2

Lincoln Hughes released the second version of his pack with a bunch of new features that will save your time and help you with technical hurdles. Check it out!

In the upcoming version, several features that will make the process of environment production much easier and less time-consuming were added, including:

  • Over 50 Shaders Presets 
  • Top Layer Grunge Materials such as snow, moss, dirt, rust, and wetness
  • New Global Coverage Blueprint that controls the amount of a top layer material per map
  • Heavy optimization - Material instruction count and texture samplers were lowered
  • Bump Offset Ice Materials - Optional Subsurface Scattering / Fresnel
  • Layered Blend Materials (2 / 3 Layers) - work perfectly for character production with armor and weapons if you use tiled textures/ unique normal maps
  • Foliage Master Materials - Optional Z-Up Snow / Distance-Field Interaction with characters / SSS
  • New content video tutorial on YouTube

Check out the first version of the pack if you haven't already! If you have already purchased the first version, send an e-mail to Lincoln Hughs at lincolnhughes@hotmail.com for a discount code.

Also, there are three different licenses that you can choose according to your needs: Hobbyist (non-commercial user), small-business (under 100k revenue), and studio (Over 100k revenue). 

The pre-sale of the second version of the pack is available now!

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