In the upcoming version, several features that will make the process of environment production much easier and less time-consuming were added, including:
- Over 50 Shaders Presets
- Top Layer Grunge Materials such as snow, moss, dirt, rust, and wetness
- New Global Coverage Blueprint that controls the amount of a top layer material per map
- Heavy optimization - Material instruction count and texture samplers were lowered
- Bump Offset Ice Materials - Optional Subsurface Scattering / Fresnel
- Layered Blend Materials (2 / 3 Layers) - work perfectly for character production with armor and weapons if you use tiled textures/ unique normal maps
- Foliage Master Materials - Optional Z-Up Snow / Distance-Field Interaction with characters / SSS
- New content video tutorial on YouTube
Check out the first version of the pack if you haven't already! If you have already purchased the first version, send an e-mail to Lincoln Hughs at for a discount code.
Also, there are three different licenses that you can choose according to your needs: Hobbyist (non-commercial user), small-business (under 100k revenue), and studio (Over 100k revenue).
The pre-sale of the second version of the pack is available now!