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Looking Glass Factory

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The world’s first truly holographic displays.

Group-viewable 3D, no headset or head-tracking required. Looking Glass has harnessed the power of proprietary light field technology to capture the direction of light that comprises every pixel in an image. The result? Breathtaking displays that will bring holograms to daily life. Looking Glass displays generate up to 100 views of a single three-dimensional scene, providing a group-viewable experience with no eye-tracking.

Looking Glass unlocks 3D brilliance with cutting-edge light field technology. Every pixel springs to life on either the 32" or 65" holographic displays, delivering a group-viewable, dynamic viewing experience like never before.

In order to produce holograms, Looking Glass provides up to 100 discrete views of a 3D scene and presents these views over a view cone roughly 58° wide. This arrangement of views tricks the visual perception system into seeing 3D objects in two major ways:
  • by changing the user's aspect on the scene as they move their head around it (parallax)
  • by presenting different perspectives to each eye (stereo vision)

Looking Glass FactoryRecent articles

Creating Digital Holographic Comics with Unity, Autodesk & Adobe Tools

Creator of the first digital holographic comic and artist Jake Adams walked us through the production process behind his imaginative holographic comics, talked about his software of choice, spoke about the challenges of such projects, and discussed the Looking Glass holographic display.

Looking Glass Reached $2M on Kickstarter

A new financial milestone for Looking Glass Factory who’s working on the holographic light field display technology. 

Looking Glass Is Now Shipping Its 8K Holographic Display

Looking Glass is now shipping 8K Immersive Display for teams looking for a large-format holographic solution that doesn’t require using VR or AR headsets.

Looking Glass Displays Integrate with UE4

Looking Glass Factory released a free plugin for integration with Unreal Engine 4.

Looking Glass Factory: Inside Holograms Production

Shawn Frayne, CEO of Looking Glass Factory, talked about the production of holograms, its biggest challenges and shared his thoughts on their future use.

Looking Glass Factory announces the Looking Glass Pro

Pre-orders for the 3D visualization solution begin tomorrow, May 29, 2019

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