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Cory Barlog Expresses His Frustration About God of War Ragnarök Leaks

God of War Ragnarök producer says it's "stupid" that fans have to "dodge the spoilers" after retailers broke the "street date" for the game.

The highly-anticipated continuation of the God of War franchise is coming out very soon – on November 9. However, prior to the official release, a number of spoilers, including the significant story beats like the entire conclusion of the game, started to appear online.

According to Santa Monica's Cory Barlog, the game director of God of War and producer of God of War Ragnarök, this, unfortunately, became possible due to some retail stores starting to sell the game more than a week before the game's release.

On Sunday, Barlog took to Twitter to express his frustration about the situation and apologize that fans have to "dodge the spoilers" after retailers broke the "street date" for God of War Ragnarök.

"A retailer selling the game nearly TWO WEEKS before release. Just so disappointing," Barlog wrote. "Sorry to everyone that you have to dodge the spoilers if you want to play the game fresh. Completely fucking stupid you have to do this. This is not at all how any of us at SMS wanted things to go."

The game's narrative director Matt Sophos also bemoaned Ragnarök's early release which caused multiple spoilers to appear online.

"Just stay away from social media, Reddit, YouTube, etc unless you’re really confident in your ability to mute hashtags and block people," he said. "I’m really sorry if anyone’s had our game spoiled in any way. We’ve really tried to keep things fresh and surprising for you."

Responding to a fan suggesting that the spoilers might have come from the copies sent out to various reviewers, Sophos claimed that this was not the case.

"First, *I* didn’t release anything. Second, journalists need more than 3 days to play our whole game and prep their reviews (print or video). Third, the recent leaks didn’t come from reviewers. They came from retailers breaking street date," he replied.

What's your take on the situation? What do you do to avoid Ragnarök's spoilers? Share your thoughts in the comments below and don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artwork, and more. 

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