Diablo Immortal Gets The Worst Metacritic User Score Among Blizzard's Games

The game has a 0.5 score with over 3,000 reviews.

Diablo Immortal might not get the success Blizzard hoped for, at least its score on Metacritic says so. With a user score of 0.5 expressed in over 3,000 reviews, the game became the worst-rated Blizzard title on the website.

Worse than this is only Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft – The Witchwood for iOS with 0.1 scored by 7 people, but it's an expansion and not a separate game.

Diablo Immortal was released barely a week ago, on June 2, but players quickly realized the mobile game is full of microtransactions. And if you want to max out your character, be ready to spend over $100,000 or play for 10 years, according to analytics.

This is the third game by Blizzard in as many years to get a 0.x rating, the other two being 2020's Warcraft III: Reforged and 2021's World of Warcraft Classic: Burning Crusade Classic, both with a 0.6 score.

Of course, a Metacritic rating doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things as anyone can write reviews there even without playing the game, and it might be influenced by Activision Blizzard's controversial actions.

Whatever the case, Diablo Immortal didn't get the love the creators wanted. Do you think the reason for that is the money you have to pay for the free-to-play game? Or something else? Share your thoughts and don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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