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God of War Ragnarök Was Made for PlayStation 4, PS5 Version Is Just an Enhancement

Both versions will offer the same experience.

Santa Monica Studio's animation director Bruno Velazquez said that God of War Ragnarök was created for PlayStation 4, so the PS5 version is "just more of an enhancement of the game that we already have."

In a recent interview with Jeux Vidéo Magazine, Velazquez emphasized that the goal of the studio was to make a game better than the 2018's God of War. 3D audio, haptic feedback, better frame rate and graphics you have on PlayStation 5 is just a bonus, players will get the same experience in both versions.

Velazquez said something similar to Eurogamer earlier, calling the PS5 game "icing on the cake". "So of course the PS5 version is going to be the best way to experience it, but the PS4 [version] is going to be one of the games that pushes the PS4 to the max."

What it means is that God of War Ragnarök will not probably show off all the features and potential PlayStation 5 has. 

Velazquez talked about the upcoming game's animation and the studio's philosophy last month, saying that "gameplay always comes first". 

Ragnarök is coming to PS4 and PS5 on November 9. Check out its latest promo featuring Ben Stiller, John Travolta, and LeBron James to get hyped up before the release and pre-order the game here. Also, don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more. 

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