The Bread Boy in BioShock Infinite Explained

Gwen Frey, the game's technical artist, explained the story behind the dancing boy and his baguette.

BioShock Infinite holds many secrets, and one of them is the boy dancing with a baguette in the Burial at Sea DLC. Gwen Frey, responsible for placing the background characters, shared the story behind the boy.

According to Frey, the studio didn't have too many resources, so Frey was reusing the animations the game already had.

Frey decided the Paris scene could use more motion, so she thought a chump – AI-less character – running around the cylinder was a good idea.

However, the studio didn't have such animation, so the artist decided to take one with characters dancing in a circle.

A couple randomly dancing in the street seemed strange to Frey, so she decided to make dancing kids instead. The issue with this was that the kids were smaller than adults, so new problems with clipping arose.

So the artist put a baguette into the boy's hands. Now that you know, you will never look at the scene the same.

Frey also explained the existence of the baby with a grown man's face, saying that it was a placeholder that was supposed to be replaced by a normal baby model. Alas, it didn't happen, and the rest is history.

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