Victoria 3 Has Sold Half a Million Copies

The game has become one of the most successful launches in Paradox's history.

Paradox Development Studio's grand-strategy game Victoria 3's sales have surpassed 500,000 copies, Paradox Interactive revealed. The game has achieved this milestone in a little over a month since its October 25 release becoming one of Paradox's most successful launches of all time.

If you're not familiar with the game, Victoria 3 immerses players into the 19th century, the period of rapid technological innovation, social transformation, and political revolution, and lets them shape society constantly balancing the competing interests of your people.

Apart from announcing the impressive milestone, Paradox has also shared players have spent 14,623,631 hours playing the game (1669 years of total playtime) and released an infographic detailing some of the achievements that players have reached during the first month of Victoria 3's release.

For instance, the company revealed that players have researched 187 million technologies, created 380,335 new countries, built 126,263 Suez Canals and 39,982 Eiffel Towers, unified Germany 98,082 times, and constructed the Trans-Continental Railway 45,614 times.

Paradox also boasted another Victoria 3's achievement reminding players that the game was nominated for Best Sim/Strategy game at this year's The Game Awards.

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