Dead Space Remake New Gameplay Released

The game's audio developers also showed the weapons' sound effects and a new gameplay-driven breathing and heart rate system and revealed that Dead Space will be released early next year.

Dead Space remake's developers showed the gameplay and sound effects of the upcoming relaunch.

The game is still in development, so it might be vastly different from what the final result will be. However, you can already plunge into its unique atmosphere, enhanced by new sound effects.

One of the most interesting mechanics of the game is the A.L.I.V.E. system, which influences Isaac's breathing, heart rate, vocal exertion, and dialogue based on the gameplay features. A.L.I.V.E. stands for adrenaline, limbic system response, intelligent dialogue, vitals, and exertions.

Isaac's adrenaline is derived from external factors: his health, fatigue, oxygen, combat difficulty, and jumpscares. The dialogue options will also depend on his state: a tired or injured Isaac will respond differently from a healthy one.

You can also hear the differences between the old Plasma Cutter and Pulse Rifle and the new ones. The sound is multilayered now and you can see what it's made of.

The developers also changed how you hear the sound in the game, making it more realistic.

The next Livestream will be in May, where the game's artists will show their work. The game itself is planned to be released early in 2023.

Check out the full Livestream to see the changes and follow the Dead Space YouTube channel to stay tuned. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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