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Unity Fires Nearly 300 Employees

This is the company's second round of layoffs in less than a year.

Unity Technologies, a San Francisco-based software developer and the creator of the popular Unity engine, has confirmed its plans to fire 284 employees, making it the company's second round of layoffs in the past year. In case you missed it, back in June 2022, the developer let go around 200 people, which at the time attributed to roughly 4% of the entire Unity workforce.

In the interview with The Wall Street Journal, Unity CEO John Riccitiello stated that the recent round of layoffs is the company's response to the negative economic trends many big tech companies are experiencing. According to Riccitiello, Unity is "dealing very specifically with overlap, and a handful of projects are going in the closet".

"We reassessed our objectives, strategies, goals, and priorities in light of the current economic conditions," said Riccitiello in a layoff letter sent to the employees. "While we remain focused on the same vision, we decided that we need to be more selective in our investments to come out stronger as a company."

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