Gigaya: An Upcoming Sample Game by Unity

The goal of the project will be to teach aspiring Game Developers how to create games.

At GDC 2022, the Unity team announced an upcoming sample game called Gigaya. According to the announcement, the game is designed to help developers learn from its creation process and will be free for all Unity users to download and experiment with its assets and source code once it is completed. The sample game is being created using an ecosystem of Unity tools and features.

The team also added that Gigaya is being developed to showcase how Universal Render Pipeline (URP) can be used to create a stylized and unique visual experience that works across a wide range of platforms. "Using URP features, our artists and designers have been able to work together to create a world that tells a story in itself. We’re striving for the environment in Gigaya to feel like a real place with a backstory that’s shaped the land into what it is today. To implement this world, our artists have been working with such features as decals, Shader Graph, VFX Graph, and post-processing effects," commented the team.

What's more, the sample game promises to teach aspiring game developers how to set up a robust and modular character controller. The in-game hero, Wondu, is crafted specifically to show how many Unity features can work together. The character controller highlights ScriptableObjects, Rigidbody physics, and animation to achieve an optimal platforming experience.

"By having the project go through the full journey from concept to release, we’re finding new perspectives on the development process and identifying strengths and weaknesses," comments the team. "The ultimate goal in releasing Gigaya on Steam is not to compete with other developers but to help identify their pain points and offer solutions to help level up creators of all sizes."

You can learn more about Gigaya here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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