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A Stunning Recration of Arcane's VI With Blender & Substance 3D

"You're hot, cupcake."

Ama Ro, a talented 3D Character Artist specializing in both realistic and stylized characters, has recently revisited one of, if not the best animated TV series of all time, Fortiche Productions' and Riot Games' Arcane, and unveiled a stunning 3D recreation of its second-most iconic character – Vi.

Offering a more lifelike take on the character, the model was set up using Blender for modeling, Substance 3D Painter for texturing, and Marmoset Toolbag for rendering, while a combination of ZBrush and Marvelous Designer was utilized to recreate the character's outfit from the show. Prior to sharing the final renders, the artist also unveiled a series of work-in-progress screenshots, showcasing the evolution of Vi from initial sculpts to the stunning finished model:

And here are some of Ama's previous works, you can check out more by visiting the artist's Twitter, Instagram, and ArtStation pages:

And here are some of the other artists' takes on Vi:

Yan Sculpts

Speaking of Arcane, back in January, Netflix released a teaser trailer for the second season of the show, announcing when the fans can expect the new season to air.

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